At the Congress will be opportunity to get acquainted with Latvia's innovation centers
Innovation centers have been established in four municipalities - Liepāja, Daugavpils, Cēsis and Ventspils - to promote the development and popularization of STEM knowledge. Have you already visited any of the centers? If not, then come to the National Library of Latvia and get to know them in one place!
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Exhibition of Digital Products Made by Latvians or in Latvia will take place in Congress
Demonstrations of educational and scientific technologies (simulations, apps, educational games) developed or adapted by higher education and scientific institutions, research organizations, and companies.
Read moreNotable speakers discussing headline subjects – the congress stage will be graced by Latvia's most outstanding scientists at home and abroad
Viewing the list of participants of the 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists, it is crystal clear that from 27 to 29 June, the sharpest brains with Latvian roots will gather in Latvia, along with a number of notable speakers from overseas. As they are so numerous and the topics under discussion so diverse, it is a tough task to pick and choose the most prominent events. Despite this, we have highlighted a few primarily because of the topicality of the subject matter.
Read moreFive events not to be missed at the World Congress of Latvian Scientists
In June 2023, Latvian scientists from all over the world will gather in Riga to attend the 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists and take part in discussions about global challenges, possible solutions and to celebrate the achievements of Latvian science and its practitioners. This article summarises some of the events worth attending during the Congress. However, this is not nearly the whole programme – there will also be many other discussions and talks. You can study the complete event programme in the Congress homepage section: Agenda.
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Demonstrations of space technologies made by Latvian entities will take place during the Congress
Nine most successful Latvian organisations developing space technologies or services will demonstrate their achievments in the space industry.
Read moreFive years of science in Latvia – increased funding and opportunities for scientists
On 20 June 2018, at the conclusion of the IV World Congress of Latvian Scientists, we agreed that this event, which united scientists and inspired science policymakers and entrepreneurs, must become a tradition. Similar to the Song and Dance Celebration, henceforth the World Congress of Latvian Scientists will take place once every five years.
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The National Library of Latvia invites participants in the World Congress of Latvian Scientists to introductory visits
The National Library of Latvia (NLL) invites participants in the 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists Research Latvia to visit the NLL for an introduction to the diverse research activities undertaken by the Library. The visits will take place on 27 June at 11.00 or 14.00. Advance registration is required (more information and registration links in the event programme below).
Read moreIn digital transformation, the task of scientists is to ensure the development of technology for the public good
Among the topics of the 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists "Science for Latvia" is digital transformation. In daily life, it is more commonly associated with the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector, and therefore we rarely contemplate the link between digital transformation and science. However, science plays a vital role in both in the development of this field and in making sure that is meaningfully used.
Read moreLatvia must prepare for general electrification
The transition towards green energy and the use of renewable resources has been on the global agenda for several years now. This issue became particularly pertinent after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Finding itself next to such an aggressive neighbor, it is crucial for Latvia to realize and understand how to generate green energy, and a safe and sustainable energy supply system. Latvian scientists from all over the globe will discuss this in greater detail at the 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists, before sitting down at the round table they outlined ideas for the green transition.
Read moreThe snowball effect of science
When we read or hear of a new study by Latvian scientists, naturally we are happy about their accomplishments. However, we rarely consider about the impact of this one specific study on all the parties involved, on the sector as a whole, and even on related industries, and potentially on possibilities to improve the Latvian economy. The huge impact of science is not always measurable, and thus cannot always immediately be grasped.
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Schedule for the presentations of poster session
At the 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists "Research Latvia" posters by scientists will be presented in the Atrium of the Latvian National Library on June 28, including on the evening of June 28 during Dinner and networking, and on June 29.
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Registration for participation in the Congress in person is closed
We announce — today registration for participation in the Congress in person is closed. We are glad that the number of participants of the Congress will bring together a powerful group of scientists, experts. We invite you to still register for visits to scientific institutions and online participation in the Congress!
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Presentation of Topics and Speakers of the 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists "Research Latvia"
On 1 February 2023, the topics and speakers of the 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists "Research Latvia" will be presented. The Congress will take place from 27 to 29 June 2023, with members of the global science ecosystem gathering in Latvia to highlight questions about the impact of scientific results on society.
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World Congress of Latvian Scientists "Research Latvia" 2023 Announced
Carrying on an established tradition, The 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists "Research Latvia" will take place from 27 to 29 June 2023 in Riga. The Congress will be a meeting opportunity for anyone who cares deeply about Latvia and Latvian science.
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