For doctoral students – application for Science Slam
Application is closed.
A special event – Science Slam pitch presentation competition – for doctoral students is going to take place during the Congress. Up to 15 authors will be selected to compete on the main stage by performing an engaging and thought-provoking two minute long presentation based on their research. After the primary evaluation of the submissions, the selected participants will participate in 2-3 presentation training workshops developed specifically for Science Slam format. Award ceremony will take place after the competition.
In order to apply for the Science Slam competition, please provide requested information about yourself and the research that will be presented in Science Slam. A 200 word abstract shall be submitted together with a link to video presentation up to 2 minutes long. There are no restrictions regarding field of science in order to participate, however the authors are encouraged to specify the potential impact of their research results on Latvia's growth and future.
Please note that the video review process will be carried out only after initial selection process of the submitted abstracts. Abstracts and video applications should not include applicant’s name or institution for the purpose of a blind review process.
A cross-disciplinary international scientific jury panel will carry out a blind peer review of the Science Slam applications in line with the objectives and topics of the Congress.
If the subject of the selected the Science Slam abstract corresponds to one of the three main topics of the congress – Green Transformation, Digital Transformation, Science Impact – the Scientific Committee of the Congress may invite these applicants to take part in the congress as speakers (on the subject of the poster) in one of the parallel sessions, by presenting the matters of the study of the submitted poster abstract. In such cases, communication will be conducted separately after the initial selection.
Application is closed. Thanks to everyone who applied!